Sunday, May 3, 2009


This is a poem I wrote on Valentines day remebering the first time me and my wife actually met. I had went to Fresno for an archery shoot and she met me there. The day befoer the shoot we went on a tour of some old plantation there. Then I went off to shoot and on the way back I got behind some guy doing 25mph. When I got there I bent down on my knee to kiss her adn she informed me that had I been just minutes later she would hvae been gone, thinking she had been stood up. Whew I am glad I made, as we have had a wonderful ife together.

i remember the first kiss
your lips tender and inviting
sending me to heavens bliss

i remember seeing your smile
the way it lighted your face
how it went on for a mile

i remember pizza and beers
sitting there with you laughing
until we were in tears

i remember sitting in the park
looking into your eyes
cupid’s arrow hitting his mark
i remember that old house
walking close to you
being quiet as a mouse

i remember you by the pool
me kneeling down on the ground
you thinking that was so cool

these are memories so dear
they are found in my heart
always there year after year

Hiram D Withers

About Me

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Rosamond, California
This all about my words. Some of my words show up in my poetry. Some of my words show up in my thoughts on paper. I will endeavor to update this as often as I can. As things come to mind. I hope you enjoy.

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