Tuesday, July 7, 2009


One thing as a man that is always hard to answer is when I ma asked by my wife "Why do you love me?" It is hard because there are so many things about her that I cherish in so many different ways. So on one anniversary I came up with these words.

Why do I love you?
why do i love you? you often will ask
finding the answer is a difficult task

is it your sharp mind your quick wit?
two things you have i hope will never quit

your smile so sweet your laughter bold
your endless beauty ageless and untold
the way you hold me in the night
how you can make, my love take flight

the feel of your touch ever so tender
every moment weak knees you do render

you are the one who can, make my heart beat
you make my soul sing, such a wonderful feat
why do i love you? often you will ask
finding the answer, is a difficult task

words are never enough, they seem so few
i love you deeply, because you are you

Hiram Withers

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Radom thoughts

Today was a good day. We were discussing 1Peter and the fact that we are going to have suffering and persecution in our lives as believers. How we handle that is very telling on where we are in our walk with God. I would be a miss to say that I handle it all with nothing but faith and joy. It is hard as human with human emotions to not be troubled by the things that come into our lives. More troubling would be if theses trouble came and I did not have the hope that is to come in my heart. To many times we focus on the now and loose our focus on the what is to come. The trouble we face today is nothing compared to the joy God has promised us. There was a story told of an older gentleman that had been in flicked with cancer and friends would ask him if he was afraid to die. He would reply " You cannot scare me with Heaven". I pray that we all have this heart the heart of one that looks to that promised hope. To top it off, pastor is preaching a series on heaven. What a joy to know where I am going. Then there is the sadness I feel for those who do not know where they are going. Those that do not have this hope within them. Even sadder are those that know of this hope and have rejected it. My prayer is that they open their hearts to the truth and that when given the chance God gives me the words to point them to the truth.
God Bless

About Me

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Rosamond, California
This all about my words. Some of my words show up in my poetry. Some of my words show up in my thoughts on paper. I will endeavor to update this as often as I can. As things come to mind. I hope you enjoy.

Answers in Genesis Articles
