Sunday, August 30, 2009


I was just sitting and watching the Emmy Awards for day time TV with my wife. They had a very touching segment on a program they run called Day Time Gives back. It does some great work with feed the children, and I commend them for that. Then I get to thinking, there are people there that make in excess of tens of millions of dollars a year. Yet they ask others to give what they can. Do they need a 37 room house in Beverly Hills? I realize there is a certain appearence that is to be kept by people in their line of work. But then again is it all about them or all about others. We had a sermon tonight that was very convicting. Asked am I using all that I have to glorify God? I am going to have search hard in my heart to see if I am doing just that. Are these people doing all they can to glory God? Or are they living for themselves. They are always coming on to ask us to help, yet they spend millions on things that are useless, things that are vain. We do the same thing, me included. I am going to really have to re-evaluate who I am and what I am doing. I ask you to do the same. I ask all of us to do the same.

About Me

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Rosamond, California
This all about my words. Some of my words show up in my poetry. Some of my words show up in my thoughts on paper. I will endeavor to update this as often as I can. As things come to mind. I hope you enjoy.

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