Thursday, November 5, 2009


For those who do not know what this is a "Fatwa" is a death sentence placed upon those that defile or desecrate anything that has to do with Islam. In the recent movie "2012" many landmarks are destroyed, the White House, the Vatican, , Buddhist temples, even the Great Pyramids. But the produce and directors stop short of destroying the Kaaba a cube like structure located in Mecca. Why you might ask. because they are afraid that the Muslims will put a fatwa on their heads.
It is a sad statement but so true of America today. We can destroy anything, desecrate anything, persecute anyone, as long as it has nothing to do with Islam. Our government and others constantly scream about separation of church and state. yet schools are told they have to provide rooms for Muslims to pray five times a day. We can teach about Islam in school so our kids understand and can have tolerance to others. However even mention a moment of prayer, or say you are going to teach Biblical history and watch the fireworks start. The ACLU will on your back quicker that cat on a mouse. What has happened to this great country in which we live. A country founded on Christian principles? There is a minority running this country because they are loud and well backed. A minority that is , if it has it's way banning the practice of Christianity. We need to stand up and be a voice crying in the wilderness. "Behold the Kingdom of God is at hand" Lest we forget like the Israelis and we are cast into bondage.

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