Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It was a good day

I went to a little place called Lake Isabella , Ca for an archery shoot this past weekend. The weather was perfect, high 70's and sunshine. The shoot went well I finished fourth, which is pretty good in my class. Lots of friends there to hang out with. I have to say the best thing about the weekend is that God had plans other than me just shooting. Met a man a fellow believer in Christ who was having issues about Genesis. he had been buying into the whole evolution is a fact view and was beginning to have doubts about God's word. He still believed Christ is Lord and savior but those doubts were there. Letting them fester and grow could have been harmful to his walk. God lead me to him, where I was able to share things I have learned about the truth of God's Word when it comes to creation. He listened closely and i could see and feel the peace it was giving him. What a great moment, that was for me to see God putting me to work for His glory.
But He was not through with me yet for that weekend. that night at the campfire, I began to talk to one of my fellow shooters form the club I ma affiliated with. Found him feeling lost and confused. He grew up in a family and a neighborhood that was very close, both socially and in their walk with God. After moving away and now being in his latter years he was missing that fellowship. Feeling lost and missing that relationship with God and fellowship with other believers. I shared with him God's Grace and God's plan that he should find a new local church and renew that fellowship. A fellowship God calls us to with our brothers and sisters in Christ. I listened as he shared his thoughts with me and silently prayed for him.
I am always amazed how God can take any situation you are in. Any place you might be and turn it into a way to glorify Him. I thank and praise Him for every opportunity He places before me to do just that. Praise Him for His Grace and Love, for His patients, for His guidance in my life.

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Rosamond, California
This all about my words. Some of my words show up in my poetry. Some of my words show up in my thoughts on paper. I will endeavor to update this as often as I can. As things come to mind. I hope you enjoy.

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