Thursday, October 8, 2009

6 Days?

I have been studying and getting ready for a presentation to the youth of the church, on the 6 days of creation. My focus has been ; Are the days in Genesis 1 6 normal 24 hour days. The quick answer to that is yes. If you take the Bible as God's literal word then they are 6 normal days. The problem arises when we take man's ideas and try and fit them into the Bible. The problem started in the 1800's when the idea that the earth was millions of years old first entered into popularity with science. Many of the church fathers decided that science over road the authority of God's Word and, told us that Genesis was just a story. Or perhaps evolution is true as long as God did it. Let us take a look at Genesis and see if it is only 6 normal days.
The Hebrew word for day is "Yom" , as with the English word day it can have different meanings based on the context it is used. Lets look out side of Genesis in the Old Testament and see how it is used to mean a 24 hour day. It is used 410 times the word day is used with a number and means an normal day. 38 times morning and evening without the word day means a normal day. 23 times evening and morning with the word day means an ordinary day. 52 times night with day meaning and ordinary day. Now lets look how it is used in Genesis 1 For the sake of time I am going to highlight the important parts vs. 5 night, evening , morning, first day, vs 8 evening , morning second day. vs 13 evening, morning third day, vs 19 evening, morning fourth day. I do not need to go on they all read the same. Taken in context it is a normal 24 hour day.
In this blog at this time I ma not going to go over all the flaws in the different dating methods used to determine the earth is billions of years old. What I want you to see is that when we take God's Word as written in means a 24 hour day. You have to ask do i take the infallible Word of God or the fallible word of man. Where is my starting point? Do I truly believe in the authority of God's Word? If there was millions of years before Adam, that means there was millions of years of death, suffering, disease, before sin. The Bible clearly states that death was a result of sin. Romans 5:12 "Therefore just as through on man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and therefore death spread to all men, because all sinned" . If you take God's Word as written there was no death before sin, so the idea of millions of years makes no sense, unless you try and re-write God's Word to fit man's ideas.
This is a battle over the authority of God. Not a battle of science and evidence. We all have the same science, the same evidence. Where d o you start with the authority of God's Word or with man when you interpret the evidence? I start with God's Word, I have been on the other side and it makes no sense. I have seen the truth in His Word and saw the fallibility of my own thinking. You cannot have it both ways, Jesus said You are either for Him or Against Him, there is no neutral position.

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Rosamond, California
This all about my words. Some of my words show up in my poetry. Some of my words show up in my thoughts on paper. I will endeavor to update this as often as I can. As things come to mind. I hope you enjoy.

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