Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Plant eating spiders

One of the most common arguments against Genesis is that there are animals that have, do and always will eat others, They cannot survive without eating others. In Genesis it clearly states that Adam and Eve along with all the animals were vegetarians. We have seen this behavior in almost every kind of living creature today. Bears can live off only fruits and berries, lions can do the same. No science has discovered a spider in South American that gets most of it's nutrition from eating plants. Evolutionist hail this as a unique and unusual thing. I see that this just strengthens my belief that in the beginning there was no death, no animals eating each other. This spider is just doing what God made and intended for it to do. There is no surprise no uniqueness seen by those who believe in God's Word, that He is the wonderful Creator of this world we live in. That His Word is the truth as written, from beginning to end.
Here is the link to the article http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33281411/ns/technology_and_science-science/from/ET

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Rosamond, California
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