Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Flying Dino's

Meet Darwinopterus modularis, the newest and greatest. Said to be one of the oldest flying reptiles yet discovered. Found in the out reaches of China it is said to be a predecessor to the later flying reptiles such Pteranodon. It is said to be unique in that it has the characteristics of many different flying reptiles and is been dubbed "modular evolution" A transformer of the ages so to speak. It is also said to have flown around eating other smaller flying reptiles and dinosaurs. Of we know this because the bones left us a note telling us all the characteristics of the creature. It must have eaten meat after all it has sharp teeth.
From a perspective starting with God's Word, of course it had the characteristics of the other flying reptiles they are all of the same kind. Each different species arose form that kind to adapt to the enviorment it lived in. As for the idea on how it lived and what it ate those are all guess based on man's idea to make it into what we want it to be. Just because something has sharp teeth does not mean it eats meat. Unless we suddenly discover the stomach contents we will never know what it ate. Unless it left a note about its life we will never know its habits. Just like many other discoveries secular science, speculates based on a bias that we evolved and there is no God. When you start with God we see a wonderfully made unique creature.

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Rosamond, California
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